Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Incursion without Permission: Chauvinism, White Privilege, and Paternalism with May Day.

This is a repost of El Comite's press release from back on January 29, 2012. One central focus of this post is to overtly examine dynamics with regard to class and social privilege and how it manifests itself in the larger socio-political milieu. To echo El Comite, we must make it abundantly clear that no one speaks on our behalf but ourselves and that we will not be bullied by anyone who attempts to coopt the work we do. There is space for everyone to be included in dialogue. However, this can only be done when there is mutual respect and an absence of white privilege, projecting of dogmatic values, and overall hostility and disrespect of the communities that are on the social and economic margins. Then, and only then, can we rise together.


For Immediate Release: Sunday January 29, 2012

Contact: El Comité Pro Reforma Migratoria Y Justicia Social, 206.650.2106 or 206.850.0497, info@elcomitewa.org.

El Comité Pro Reforma Migratoria Y Justicia Social clarifies misinformation about events in Seattle for May 1st, 2012.
Despite claims to the contrary, neither we nor any major labor international have called for a general srtike on May 1st.

SEATTLE – El Comité Pro Reforma Migratoria Y Justicia Social would like to clarify openly that contrary to the writings of fringe groups within Occupy Seattle, neither we, nor any any of the national leadership organizing May 1st actions throughout the U.S. has called for a general strike on May 1st 2012. There may be some groups calling for a general strike but they and their agents do not represent El Comité or are authorized to make any statements on our behalf and or misrepresent us in any capacity. We ask these participants to cease and desist immediately and respect our democratic organizational structure. As a community organization, we elect our board every year, including the spokespersons. Any claim that we support or call for actions, that are not made from our spokespersons, are completely false.

To be clear, we acknowledge the fact that these subgroups and fringe entities are not representative of Occupy Seattle as a whole and we do not intend to conflate their activities with Occupy Seattle’s work in vocalizing the excesses and abusive nature of our deregulated financial system that has led to mass unemployment, home foreclosures, economic speculation, attacks on workers’ right to organize, and left many of us mired in the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. As an organization that prides itself on being overtly pro-worker, especially with regard to many of our immigrant brothers and sisters who are socially and economically marginalized, we laud Occupy Seattle’s great work in helping bring these concerns into mainstream parlance.

We look forward to future collaboration with OS and welcome the energy they bring into this dialogue. However, given recent altercations between the OS fringe and long shore workers with regard to the December 12, 2011 “West Coast Port Shutdown,” we feel it necessary to, as the workers along the coast has already done, make it abundantly clear that no one speaks on our behalf but ourselves. And that we insist that any attempt to utilize our name without consent is in direct violation of our principles.

For more on the port action see the following links:

As a community-based organization, we take our work very seriously as we directly experience the result of our organizational efforts. The program for the annual May 1st march, in existence since 2000, is the result of various open forums and immigrant worker assemblies organized by El Comité, which take place in Seattle, Tacoma, South MLK County, and other areas throughout the Puget Sound region. The theme of our March and organizational priorities for the entire year are decided in these community forums. In effect, it is our community that dictates what approach to take and what sequence of actions serve best as a whole. As of yet, there have not been any public meetings convened, and as such, we cannot claim to support, much less call for a general strike.

In closing, we wish to reiterate our point that we ask any individual or entity to immediately cease using our name and attempt to subvert and dismantle the work that we have undertaken for over 12 years. We welcome any and all who wish to work with us and offer support in solidarity. Likewise, we echo the long shore worker’s point that we as immigrant workers and community members are the only ones who can directly address the matters that afflict our communities. We respect the work that many other social justice organizations undertake. As such, we expect this same mutual respect in regard to our own internal workings and democratic structure. There is no need for petty tactics, misinformation, and infiltration of our communications infrastructure. Let us all join as one to ensure we all coexist in a dignified way as workers, community members, students, as human beings.


For more information, contact the following: El Comité Pro Reforma Migratoria Y Justicia Social, 206.650.2106 or 206.850.0497, info@elcomitewa.org.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Racism & Fascism (Excerpt from a speech by Toni Morrison)

Excerpt of a speech Toni Morrison delivered at Howard University

Racism and Fascism (“The Nation,” May 29 1995, p. 60)

Let us be reminded that before there is a final solution, there must be a first solution, a second one, even a third. The move toward a final solution is not a jump. It takes one step, then another, then another. Something, perhaps like this:

1. Construct an internal enemy, as both focus and diversion.
2. Isolate and demonize that enemy by unleashing and protecting the utterance of overt and coded name-calling and verbal abuse. Employ ad hominem attacks as legitimate charges against that enemy.
3. Enlist and create sources and distributors of information who are willing to reinforce the demonizing process because it is profitable, because it grants power and because it works.
4. Palisade all art forms; monitor, discredit or expel those that challenge or destabilize processes of demonization and deification.
5. Subvert and malign all representatives of and sympathizers with the constructed enemy.
6. Solicit, from among the enemy, collaborators who agree with and can sanitize the dispossession process.
7. Pathologize the enemy in scholarly and popular mediums; recycle, for example, scientific racism and myths of racial superiority in order to naturalize the pathology.
8. Criminalize the enemy. Then prepare, budget for and rationalize the building of holding arenas for the enemy—especially its males and absolutely its children.
9. Reward mindlessness and apathy with monumentalized entertainments and with little pleasures, tiny seductions: a few minutes on television, a few lines in the press; a little pseudo-success; the illusion of power and influence; a little fun, a little style, a little consequence.
10. Maintain, at all costs, silence.

In 1995 racism may wear a new dress, buy a new pair of boots, but neither it nor its succubus twin fascism is new or can make anything new. It can only reproduce the environment that supports its own health: fear, denial and an atmosphere in which its victims have lost the will to fight.

The forces interested in fascist solutions to national problems are not to be found in one political party or another, or in one or another wing of any single political party. Democrats have no unsullied history of egalitarianism. Nor are liberals free of domination agendas. Republicans have housed abolitionists and white supremacists. Conservative, moderate, liberal; right, left, hard left, far rights; religious, secular, socialist—we must not be blindsided by these Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola labels because the genius of fascism is that any political structure can host the virus and virtually any developed country can become a suitable home. Fascism talks ideology, but it is really just marketing—marketing for power.

It is recognizable by its need to purge and by its terror of truly democratic agendas. It is recognizable by its determination to convert all public services to private entrepreneurship; all nonprofit organizations to profit-making ones—so that the narrow but protective chasm between governance and business disappears. It changes citizens into taxpayers—so individuals become angry at even the notion of the public good. It changes neighbors into consumers—so the measure of our value as humans is not our humanity or our compassion or out generosity but what we own. It changes parenting into panicking—so that we vote against the interests of our own children; against their health care, their education, their safety from weapons. And in effecting these changes it produces the perfect capitalist, one who is willing to kill a human being for a product—a pair of sneakers, a jacket, a car—or kill generations for control of products—oil, drugs, fruit, gold.

When our fears have all been serialized, our creativity censured, our ideas “marketplaced,” our rights sold, our intelligence sloganized, our strength downsized, our privacy auctioned; when the theatricality, the entertainment value, the marketing of life is complete, we will find ourselves living not in a nation but in a consortium of industries, and wholly unintelligible to ourselves except for what we see as through a screen darkly.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Truth Universal Music
Phone: 504.481.5959
Press Contact: Akoben Ologun
June 02, 2011
“Immigrant” Video::Truth Universal featuring Bocafloja–Hip Hop addressing U.S. Immigration Policy
As immigrants across the U.S. continue to have their human rights compromised, with HB 411(LA), SB 1070(AZ), HB 87(GA), and other copycat legislation, Hip Hop artist Truth Universal responds with “Immigrant” – the lead single from his latest project “Resistance Vol. 2: Polygraph.”  Himself a Trinidad born immigrant, raised in New Orleans, LA, Truth strives to address the plight of the U.S. immigrant, cite the commonality of immigrant struggle regardless of the land of origin, and challenge the contradictions of U.S. immigration enforcement policy.  Amidst the sonic backdrop crafted by DJ Black Panther, Mexican born MC, Bocafloja, assists Truth in his commentary on the subject.
The video was shot in both Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, LA, as the two emcees were touring.
“Immigrant” can be viewed/downloaded here: 
The radio edited single–”Immigrant”–can be heard/downloaded here:
High Resolution photos for press may be found here:
Akoben Ologun
Truth Universal Public Relations(TUPR)
WEBSITE | EPKMYSPACEYOUTUBETWITTERFACEBOOKGuerrilla Business” &  “Self-Determination” available NOW!